Let me help you become the world's newest tailwheel pilot!

Tailwheel Flight Training
in Birmingham, AL

Training Courses

© Aviation 101 (Image for mock up website only) No commercial use.

Discovery Flight In a Classic Taildragger

Every wondered what it felt like to learn to fly in the “Glory Days!” of aviation? Come experience the feeling of true stick-n-rudder flying with a Discovery Flight around the greater Birmingham, Alabama area.

Take a flight in our 1946 Aeronca Champ! Learn to fly like the founding flyers of aviation in a vintage tailwheel airplane.

$220 per hour of flight with instructor

Tailwheel Endorsement Course

Are you already a pilot and want to get a tailwheel endorsement or maybe you learned to fly a tailwheel and it has been some time since then. Our 3 day, 6 hour flight, 3 hour ground course will get you rudder dancing feet in shape and you feeling safe flying a tailwheel airplane. 


Spin and Upset Recovery Training

You you a soon to be CFI prepping hard for those FOIs in need of a study break and that required SPIN Endorsement?! I know, scare word to most pilots. Or maybe your not an instructor but want to conquer the fear of the spin. We’ve got you covered and PARE”d” if you know what I mean. Come spin with CFI Dawson and become a safer pilot. 

(1 Hour Flight, 1 Hour ground) 

$399 for flight, ground, and endorsement

"Flying is like the most irresistible intoxication."
- Sydney Carline, 1921.

Got questions?
give me a shout...

Reach out to me and I will get back to you ASAP.